9 benefits to Tag Rugby
Tag Rugby is a fast-moving non-contact game which can be taught at junior level and is aimed at developing 'grass roots' rugby in players. The game encourages the build up of running and handling skills whilst the ultimate object of the game is for players to enjoy themselves.
To play the game, all you need is a tag belt and a ball and you're ready to go! Take a look below at the many benefits to Tag Rugby.
1. All-inclusive
Tag Rugby is an all-inclusive game, meaning that it is open to anyone who wants to play regardless of gender or ability. It does not discriminate against age, size or experience and it means that girls and boys are able to play the sport together.
2. Great for beginners
Tag Rugby is fast moving, high scoring and engages players. This is particularly important for beginners as it encourages fun and a sense of achievement at all levels. Possession of the ball and scoring is much higher in Tag Rugby than contact rugby which means new players benefit from more possession, more passes and more scoring.
3. Can be played anywhere
Tag Rugby can be played anywhere with any amount of players. Whether you're looking for a laid back family fun game in the local park or a more structured competitive 7-a-side game in an organised league, there are options for every type of player. 4. Good for Rugby Union
Tag Rugby offers a good training for Rugby Union as it enables and encourages attackers to get beyond the defence and pass the ball behind defenders. The concept of tackle can be introduced to the game once players become more proficient.
5. A safer sport
Tag Rugby is a much safer sport for junior players. Many parents are put off rugby due to the rough nature of the tackling and the multiple injuries caused to players. In Tag Rugby, the tackling is replaced with a tag - players only need to tag their opponents to indicate they have been tackled.
6. Keeps kids fit
Tag Rugby is a fantastic way for kids to keep fit in a fun and energetic way. The level of activity in a game promotes bone and muscle strength as well as great body coordination, and it encourages children to be physically fit whilst enjoying themselves too.
7. Installs positive values
Positive values such as honesty are installed into children from an early age. For example, a tag is much more discreet than a tackle therefore players must be honest about when they have been tagged.
8. Promotes teamwork
Tag Rugby is a team game and players must all pull together in order to win. Players learn how to trust one another and rely on one another - a trait that can be built upon and used in everyday life.
9. Installs discipline
The game of Tag Rugby installs discipline into players. As with any other sport, there are rules to be followed and adhered to, in order to achieve a fair and positive outcome.